The Searcher - Analog, February 1966 - Kelly Freas for James H Schmitz Detection at Troynovant:
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"The whole point of it is," I said, "that it just doesn't make sense."

"That is impossible," said Poirot. "Everything makes sense. Everything."

Agatha Christie
The Clocks   



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Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The A. Conan Doyle RW Franson

Backyard Wildlife Mysteries JM Franson
Before I Die Rex Stout RW Franson
Bellwether Connie Willis RW Franson
Big Public Is Watching You
  Transparency versus Security
RW Franson
Black Orchids Rex Stout JM Franson
Blessing Way, The Tony Hillerman RW Franson
Body in the Book, The VH Franson
Bone Is Pointed, The Arthur W. Upfield RW Franson

Call Him Dead
  (Three to Conquer)
Eric Frank Russell  RW Franson
Cards on the Table Agatha Christie RW Franson
Cat Among the Pigeons Agatha Christie RW Franson
Champagne for One Rex Stout RW Franson
Cordially Invited to Meet Death Rex Stout JM Franson

Death in the Air
  (Death in the Clouds)
Agatha Christie RW Franson
Death of a Doxy Rex Stout RW Franson
Death of a Lake Arthur W. Upfield RW Franson
Death of a Swagman Arthur W. Upfield RW Franson
Death on the Nile Agatha Christie RW Franson
Death-Watch John Dickson Carr  RW Franson
Devil's Steps, The Arthur W. Upfield RW Franson
Dreamland Clarence Budington Kelland RW Franson
Dressed to Kill [Sherlock Holmes] Neill / Rathbone / Bruce RW Franson

Escapade Walter Satterthwait RW Franson

Fallen Man, The Tony Hillerman RW Franson
Farthing Jo Walton WH Stoddard 
Fer-de-Lance Rex Stout RW Franson
Final Deduction, The Rex Stout RW Franson
Freddy and the Ignormus Walter R. Brooks RW Franson

Gambit Rex Stout RW Franson
Great Mail Robbery, The Clarence Budington Kelland RW Franson
Gun with Wings, The Rex Stout RW Franson

Halting State Charles Stross WH Stoddard
He Walked Around the Horses H. Beam Piper RW Franson
Hercule Poirot's Early Cases Agatha Christie JM Franson
Holiday for Murder, A
  (Hercule Poirot's Christmas)
  (Murder for Christmas)
Agatha Christie JM Franson
Hollow, The
  (Murder After Hours)
Agatha Christie RW Franson

Iceworld Hal Clement RW Franson
If Death Ever Slept Rex Stout RW Franson
Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte series Arthur W. Upfield RW Franson

King of the Texas Rangers English & Witney / Sammy Baugh / Duncan Renaldo RW Franson,
DH Franson
Kitchen Romances
  The Constable and the Maid
K Resta

Labors of Hercules, The Agatha Christie RW Franson
Lady on a Train David / Durbin RW Franson
Last Seen Wearing Colin Dexter RW Franson
Legwork Eric Frank Russell RW Franson
Lessons from Mystery Stories
  or, the Long-Lived Marplot
RW Franson

Macbeth Murder Mystery, The James Thurber RW Franson
Maltese Falcon, The [film] Huston / Bogart RW Franson
Moonstone, The Wilkie Collins RW Franson
Motive in Shadow Lesley Egan JM Franson
Murchison Murders, The
  [and other essays]
Arthur W. Upfield RW Franson
Murder by the Book Rex Stout RW Franson
Murder Is Announced, A Agatha Christie RW Franson
Murder Will Out
  (The Purple Hieroglyph)
Murray Leinster RW Franson
Mysterious Affair at Styles, The Agatha Christie RW Franson
Mystery of the Blue Train, The Agatha Christie RW Franson

Null-A series A. E. van Vogt RW Franson

Penrod:  His Complete Story Booth Tarkington RW Franson
Poirot Loses a Client
  (Dumb Witness)
Agatha Christie RW Franson
Princess Comes Across, The William K. Howard / Carole Lombard, Fred MacMurray RW Franson
Prisoner's Base
  (Out Goes She)
Rex Stout RW Franson
Proud Robot, The (Robots Have No Tails) Henry Kuttner RW Franson

Reichstag Fire, The
  Legend and Truth
Fritz Tobias RW Franson
Right to Die, A Rex Stout RW Franson
Rubber Band, The Rex Stout RW Franson

Searcher, The James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Secret of the League, The Ernest Bramah RW Franson
Sign of Four, The [Sherlock Holmes] Cutts / Wontner JM Franson
Silent Speaker, The Rex Stout RW Franson
Some Buried Caesar Rex Stout RW Franson
Stolen White Elephant, The Mark Twain RW Franson
Study in Scarlet, A [Sherlock Holmes] Marin / Owen RW Franson,
JM Franson

Three to Conquer
  (Call Him Dead)
Eric Frank Russell RW Franson
Too Many Cooks Rex Stout RW Franson,
JM Franson
Too Many Women
Rex Stout RW Franson
Transparent Society, The
  Will Technology Force Us to Choose
  Between Privacy and Freedom?
David Brin RW Franson

Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The Robert A. Heinlein WH Stoddard

Weight of the Evidence, The Michael Innes RW Franson
Wench Is Dead, The Colin Dexter RW Franson
What Dead Men Tell Theodore Sturgeon RW Franson

[Denmark. A stateroom of the castle.]


There is a play tonight before the King.
Even with the very comment of thy soul
Observe mine uncle. ...


                    Well, my lord.
If a steal aught the whilst this play is playing
And scape detecting, I will pay the theft.

William Shakespeare
Hamlet, 3.2.68...82


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